Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13- We had a pretty normal night tonight. Dinner and playtime at home, then E and I went to Target to pick up some snacks for our trip to Minnesota this week. When we got home, it was tubby time. E has decided that Thursday is bath night (even though we make her take one more often), and tonight she got to have a sister tubby, which is her favorite.

We got mylar balloons for E's birthday and M is completely fascinated by them. She smiles at them all the time, and is always trying to grab them.

March 12- We got some water bottles for E's party, and M has been playing with them ever since. She prefers the empty ones, because they are more "crinkley" but this one is full, and she though it was perfect for chewing. The weather has been slightly nicer lately, so she and grandpa were able to walk to the library for story hour today, M is really enjoying getting outside more.

March 11- If there is one item that inspires competition between two sisters, it is this cup. If E has it, M wants it. If M has it, E insists she needs it right NOW. This night, I actually had to wash it to transfer it between the girls. I don't think M actually knows how to drink out if it, she just likes the straw.

March 10- This is M's new doll, just seconds before I took the picture, she was hugging and kissing it, but by the time the camera was ready, this was what was happening.

March 9- This was a bow on one of E's birthday presents. During the afternoon when M and I were home alone together, she got it out and started playing.

 March 8- Today was E's birthday party. We invited the kids from her daycare class, and we were lucky that most of E's good friends could come. We went to MadTown Twisters, and E and the kids had a great time running and doing gymnastics. M also had a good time walking around the gym. We had a Frozen themed party, with a "frozen" cake, and a pin the nose on Olaf.

After the party we had dinner with Ada, Ama, and Uncle Nate, E loved continuing the celebration.

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