Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7-  Today was the Christmas program at day care. E's class preformed two songs, Feliz Navdad and If Your Happy and You Know It. Then, all the kids under 3 preformed Jingle Bells. E wasn't too interested in doing the motions, or shaking her maraca. But, she stayed on stage the whole time.  After the program, I walked her back to class and got to visit a little bit. She had a hard time with her momma leaving, and was a little fussy the rest of the day. Day care reported that she's starting to get upset when she doesn't get what she wants. We've certainly noticed that at home too!

Tonight, E spent most of the evening playing with water at the sink. She's got two measuring cups she fills, and then occasionally takes a drink. We also had to have a dinosaur at the dinner table, she shared her milk with it very nicely, although having a toy at the table didn't help her eat any better.

December 6- E has become quite the dinosaur girl lately. She's thrilled that her dada got out his old dinosaurs for her to play with. Her favorite,  is getting the dinos out of their plastic tub, and carrying them around. E has had a difficult time going to bed lately. She manages to stay quietly in her bed for a little bit, but, then gets very upset about being in her crib. Last night, she insisted on being in "momma bed" which was just an excuse to play, and the she wanted "rock a baby" for a while. She finally went to bed after getting a bigger blanket.

The big excitement of the night was getting markers. E loves to color, and had really been wanting markers. She had a great time with them, although she can't get the lids off by herself.

December 5- Last year, we put our Christmas tree in a playpen to keep E away from it. This year, its in her reach. She's done really well with it. This angel ornament she's touching with her right hand is one of her favorites. She loves to crinkle its skirt. This morning, when we got downstairs, we discovered that the tree had tipped over, for the rest of the day E kept saying "Christmas tree fall down."

December 4- This morning we had breakfast with Ama and Grandpa Ada at Copper Top, we had a great table, close to a window so we could distract E. We also brought clothes baby, which is our secret weapon when eating out. After breakfast, we picked out our Christmas tree. While we did a little Christmas shopping, E went mall walking with Ama and Grandpa Ada. Unfortunately, the mall just got rid of the small coin operated car that E liked to ride on, but she was ok without it.

We decorated the tree this afternoon and then played with R. E was so cute when she was decorating the tree. The first thee ornaments I handed her, she placed carefully on the tree skirt. After a few more tries, she got the idea of decorating the tree itself.

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