December 18- E was under the weather for most of the day today. She started the day off with bang, she ate 7 (small) bowls of Os and milk and a few hours later she wanted ravioli, which is huge for a kiddo who doesn't eat much. I figured she was just hungry after not having dinner last night, so I let her eat. After about half the ravioli, everything came back up. She spent the rest of the morning and afternoon being pretty snugly. But, by the end of the day, she was back to normal. Here, I'm being the "time tunnel" so that she and the broom can go through. I also spent a great deal of time chasing her, which seems to be one of her new favorites. She'll be home from day care with dada tomorrow, but hopefully she's really on the mend.
December 17- E was pretty cuddly when she woke up today, but after a little while seemed to be back to her old self. I tried to convince her to go outside and play in the snow, but she wasn't having that. She did enjoy watching people shovel. We helped R celebrate her birthday, and E enjoyed the party. It had cake, chips, and juice, which to E pretty much means party. She even got to have all the apple juice she wanted, which never happens. She had a good time at the party, but wasn't too interested in the cake, she mostly wanted to play with R's kitchen.
After the party, the dads and the little girls settled in for dinner and watching Star Wars. E impressed all the dad's by being able to identify Han Solo, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Luke Skywalker, and knowing that Han shot first in the Cantina.
December 16- Our party weekend continued with E and I going to our friend David's going away party. E joined me (in a new party dress from Titi Willy) and was a hit at the party. She really, really, didn't want to wear the party dress, and the tantrum over it continued on the car ride to the party. We actually had to pull over and let E get out of the car to calm down. But, I told her the party would have pizza, and she got over it. After playing, coloring, and running around a little. E and Grandpa Ada went to Ama and Ada's house for bath time and jammy time. I picked her up after a bit, and we went home.
E didn't really like doing the bed time routine without dada, but we did our best. However, after E was in bed about five minutes, she fussed a little and started saying "uh oh, uh oh." When I went up to check on her, it turned out she was sick. She wasn't too bothered about it, and once dada got home, she was happy to go to bed.
December 15- E had a very busy day today. She spent the day with Ama and Ada. I was off work, and was able to join them at Hoyt. It was my first time at Hoyt and I loved seeing her play with all the different toys, she spent the morning playing with a pot, in which she had a few plastic vegetables and an oven mitt. She ran around with the mitt on, and even pushed the shopping cart around with it on.
Then, we went to E's day care Christmas party. She loved showing off for dada, Ama, and I. The kids had lots of snacks and then gave their parents ornament with their pictures on them. Then, the teachers started the music and the kids took off dancing and running. E's not much of a dancer, but she likes to run.
E's big day continued by Christmas shopping with her dada and doing a little mall walking with both her parents.
December 14- Look at that long hair, today was just a normal one at home, we spent our time clowning around and watching Dinosaur Train.
December 13- One of E's favorite toys lately has been her toy kitchen. She loves cooking and bringing food for dada and I to eat. She usually makes soup in the small blue pot, and is very good at stirring it. Her other favorite thing to do it to bring us "hot coffee" which in E's kitchen comes right out of the sink faucet.
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