December 22- E's night time routine has taken on several new steps, here she is saying nite nite to a votive candle holder, on the way up the stairs she also says nite nite to the coats and the wall. She had to come downstairs because she forgot to say good night to the snowman, and because she didn't have the Christmas tree touch her head and say good night to the legos. Its a long routine, and easy to forget parts!
This morning, E, Ama, Ada and I went out for breakfast at Mickey's Dairy Bar, E wasn't a very good eater, but liked seeing the football stadium across the street. Then E, Ama, and Ada went home. They played at Hoyt where E really liked the car, and played in the snow and E built her first snowman. E also learned Ring Around the Rosie today, as soon as I walked into Ama and Ada's house she grabbed my hand and Ama's hand and we went around.
December 21- I put this little toy together for E after some advice from some other moms, she doesn't like it as much as other kids, she mostly likes to shake out the pipe cleaners and then leave them on the floor. E wore a Christmas outfit today, but she fought me while getting dressed, it worked out well though because daycare took her picture in a Santa hat! At daycare the kids frosted sugar ice cream cones with green frosting and decorated them so they looked like Christmas trees. The second I walked in the door E dragged me over to see it.
December 20- Here is E kissing the Christmas tree nite nite, her lips don't actually touch the tree, she just puckers up and leans in. Today she came home from daycare talking about "Mr. Bucky Badger." I'm not sure where the Mr. came from, but its pretty funny. The whole night was Mr. Bucky Badger. Tonight we got to have dinner with Aunt Norma, and E was a very good girl eating in a restaurant, she colored lots of pictures, and showed off her clothes baby.
Tonight was also the first night that E's head touched the Christmas tree when she was kissing it. She looked about ready to cry, so we told her how funny it was that the Christmas tree touched her. She started calling the tree funny, so it worked!
December 19- Today E stayed home from daycare with dada. She was completely over her sickness, so they had a fun day doing a little Christmas shopping and playing with the legos at Barnes and Noble. E and dada are a good team when you need to get something done. The same cannot be said for E and momma, we tend to spent our time playing, and E knows momma is the push over, so we just don't seem to get as much done.
Here, E is trying to put the stickers back onto the big sheet.
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