Monday, March 5, 2012

Two Years Old!

I cannot believe that E is two, it seems like just the other day that we met her. At the same time, I'm amazed at how far she's come in just two years. Two years old feels like much more of a "big girl" then one did.

E celebrated her birthday several times, and loved each and every one of them. Momma and Dada woke her up by singing happy birthday, and we could tell that she was confused to wake up to singing, rather then the gentle way we usually wake her.

We headed to her favorite restaurant, Mickies, for a birthday breakfast. Ama, Grandpa Ada, and Teddy joined us. The waitress made E a huge birthday sundae.

We started with a birthday cinnamon roll, and E knew just what to do with the candle.

E spent the rest of the day with Ama and Teddy, they went to Hoyt and did lots of playing on the back porch.

We had dinner with the whole family at the Nitty Gritty, we are trying to start a birthday tradition, and so far, E's made it for both her birthdays.

E got a cupcake with green frosting

E got another ice cream sundae, which she decided was better to feed to momma then eat.

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