Monday, March 5, 2012

Birthday party!

E had a Sesame Street birthday party this year. Its funny, last year I was adamant that E have a party free of characters (since she didn't know who they were anyway). But this year we went all out. We had a Cookie Monster Toss

The game also served as a place to play inside, and all the kids took turns standing inside Cookie.

We made Muppet faces out of felt, and the kids loved putting them together

And had cake

All the kids at the party were so well behaved and had a great time with the activities and games. My favorite part of the day was after E opened her cape and became "Super E" she and her friends started running around the house, saying "super E." The kids would run into the living room and fall down, until E said "come on A, A come on!"

This is the look that E sported for the end of the party

The new rain boots are her favorite!

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