Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16- Today we got lots done. The girls and I took a nice snow walk this morning, M and E both made snow angels. E had her traditional snowy morning breakfast of a bowl of snow, M didn't know what to think. Then we played around the house, and ran a few errands. After quite time, E and I went to see Stella Queen of the Snow, which E enjoyed. She wasn't expecting puppets, so it took her a little while to warm up. We had a dinner party and a dance to round out the evening. 

November 15- We had pretend Thanksgiving today. We started the day at swimming lessons, and M had a great time. E did well too, she was proud of her kicking today. Then we had lunch at home before heading to Ama and Ada's for the rest of the day. The girls played with their uncles and grandparents, E made pumpkin pie, and then we all had Thanksgiving dinner. 

November 14-Today Teddy got to go with M to school, and then pick up E from school, so both girls got lots of good Teddy time. We had fish fry with Ama, Ada, and Teddy. M actually ate some fish bites, she is generally a good eater, so I wasn't to surprised.

November 13- Tonight was one of those nights that I wasn’t home very much. Dada and the girls had a nice evening together with a small movie party. When I got home, it was time for tubbies (and M’s first accident in the tub) and bed. M and I have started reading the “baby” book, which was a favorite of E’s when she was little, so its fun to read it for M.

November 12- Teddy is home for a visit, and is making the most of his time. He got to spend the morning with M, and they went to breakfast at one of his favorite restaurants, Cleveland’s. He reports that M gave him lots of hugs and kisses. In the evening, we took the girls to an “adult restaurant” at which they did pretty well. There was more walking around then I was hoping for. But, overall they did pretty well. Both girls were exhausted when we got home and fell asleep almost immediately.
Tonight, M lost her lollipop and cried and cried about it, but it was easy to find!

November 11- Dada had teachers conferences tonight, so it was just the girls for the evening. We were supposed to swap girls with the neighbors for some playtime, but R was sick. We decided to have A over anyway, and she played with E and M. We made Chex Mix, had dinner, and the girls played the princess cupcake game.

M was funny tonight, it was the most naughty that I’ve seen her be. She wanted to be in with the big girls constantly. She wouldn’t leave them alone for anything. She would get right into what they were doing and try to play. Once A was home, she wouldn’t leave E alone, she would walk up and hit her, have a time out, give E a hug and kiss, and then get right back in E’s face and hit again.

November 10- On the 11th, M was all over E, tonight, E was all over M. In the picture above, M is running away, and E is chasing her. E wanted to put a “belt” on M, and M wasn’t having it.

November 9- Today we spent a lazy day around the house. Neither girl changed out of their jammies. E wanted to make cookies, but I couldn’t even get her to change to make ingredients. E got out her ribbon stick for dancing and M wanted to dance too. She solved her own problem by getting her ribbon ring to dance with.

November 8- It was my birthday today and the girls and dada gave me a great birthday. They brought me coffee and breakfast in bed (which M wanted to share with me). They spent the morning with dada, while I relaxed. We had dinner with Ama, Ada, and Grandma and Grandpa at Nitty Gritty, and then headed home for naps. We had some nice playtime then the girls went to Ama and Ada’s while we went out for dinner. They had make-your-own pizza, and both E and M ate more pizza then anyone had ever seen either of them eat!

November 7- We had a funny evening, we picked dada up at happy hour, and then did a bit of shopping at Hilldale. E needed new shoes, which we managed to find for her. Then we had dinner at Famous Dave’s where the girls shared some corn dogs and played with the video poker machine (no gambling for them though!)

November 6- M looked so cute this morning sleeping with her tump in the air, she is so cheerful when she wakes up, it’s fun getting her up in the morning. But, shortly after, she woke up, and we did a little rock-a-babying. E heard us, and came running, so I got to start the day with snuggles from both of my girls.

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