Saturday, March 29, 2014

And then she stopped sleeping...

M started out as an amazing sleeper. After about three months, she was sleeping though the night, no problem. She could fall asleep being held, but put in her crib, and not make a peep until morning. Then, we got to November. She started getting up once or twice. Then, because her parents were tired, she started sleeping with us once she woke up. But, we could still get her to go down.

Now, there is no getting her to fall asleep. Dada usually has better luck then I do, but it generally involves sobbing (her) for several minutes and then being pretty restless. Now, if she falls asleep being held, when I start to lower her into bed, she starts kicking her feet, and is up instantly.

March 29- We had a busy day today, we started with getting the girls birthday portraits taken this morning, they turned out very cute! Then, a trip to Costco, which M napped through. E loves Costco trips, the samples and hot dogs are major attractions. Then we headed home for quite time, and M had a very messy lunch, she tried to feed herself, and ended up with food everywhere. After E got up from quite time, the girls and I headed out to get the last minute party supplies for M's birthday party tomorrow. Then, E helped me bake M's birthday cake. Then, we finally got to play outside! Its finally starting to warm up, and we got to play with R, and blow bubbles and run around on the sidewalk. M had a great time on her first real outdoor playtime. She ended it by falling in the mud, but she still had a great time.

March 28- This is the part of the night where M won't sleep. Our biggest activity of the night was a mommy-sister tubby, when all the girls get in the tub together. M and dada also went to school for a dance performance, the kids were excited to see M.

March 27- I'm always amazed by how much my girls notice, here M demonstrates that she is ready for her own touch screen device. She knows how to move her fingers around on it. Since its Thursday, its bath night (so E decided) so we had a mommy sister tubby. The girls went to Hoyt to play today with Ama and Ada and E was a great helper, apparently, she helped clean up the whole gym.

March 26- M loves Sesame Street books, we are trying to teach her to sit down and read the book, this time she was reading with E.

March 25- M absolutely loves to climb onto E's bed, every night when we get home from work and Ada's house, we go upstairs and play "bouncy baby" on E's bed. Bouncy baby is a game where E sits and bounces herself up and down and grins while I chant "bouncy baby, bouncy baby."

E and I have started a new bedtime routine, she and dada read stories, and then when I'm done not putting M to bed, E and I snuggle and chat for awhile. Since M's still awake, she sometimes wanders in to cuddle to.

Today when we first got home, I tried on dada's hat, M thought it looked like fun, she she tried it too, she giggled the whole time that she was wearing it and walking around.

March 24- Dada finally got her to fall asleep, it took a LONG time.

March 23- Tonight we had dinner at Great Gramma's house to celebrate the March birthdays in our families. E got to play with her cousin S and her friend, she loved the attention of two big girls.
March 22- It was Grandpa Ada's birthday, so we all went out to lunch, E loves the "pig restaurant" because she gets corn dogs. We brought cupcakes for Grandpa, and E had a hard time remembering that the birthday boy gets to pick first! In the morning, we got together with some of my friends from high school and their kids, it was great to get a chance to catch up with everyone.

March 21- E trying to get M to dance in a circle

March 20- Today we had R and her family over for a breakfast-for-dinner dinner. The girls had fun building a fort in E's room, and loved sitting at a kiddie table together. Since the girls tore through E's closet to get fort buiding materials, I took the time to get out a pair of hard bottomed shoes for M. She was actually able to walk in them pretty well, although she did lift her feet up really high at the knees.

E has started playing a very sweet game with her birthday balloons. She fastening them to the ground, then she slowly raises them up and says, "they are growing."

March 19- M likes wearing these sunglasses because the whole world must look different, she puts them on and then just smiles. She's started shaking her head more, and sometimes she'll just put them on and shake.

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