Thursday, July 19, 2012


E is fascinated with babies, people growing babies in their tummies, and babies having a "got born day."

So, when we went to our neighbor's baby shower, E was in heaven. She asked to feel the baby kick and was thrilled when it kicked her hand, she patiently waited for several more kicks.

E was so excited to give the baby the monkey teether she picked out for her, and was happy to be at a party for the baby.

It wasn't until after the party that she said to me in a little voice "it no come out." It was at that moment I realized, she thought the baby was going to "get borned" at the baby shower. Apparently she had mentioned this belief to dada earlier, and he hadn't been able to convince her otherwise. Although E has heard her "E got born" story many times, and has heard that the doctor got the baby out of mommy's tummy, her new belief is that babies "pop right out of the belly button." She also thinks they start walking and crawling right away. She's in for a big surprise when she meets her friend A's baby sister!

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