Friday, March 18, 2011

Big changes

This week brought about big changes for our family.  E now spends Mondays at home with me, and Thursdays with her Grandma M.  We made the change to three days a week daycare in an effort to save a little money after all the changes coming to our family with Wisconsin's budget repair bill.

March 18- Today was E's second day celebrating St. Patrick's day, she tried corned beef for the second time, she didn't mind it, but wouldn't go out of her way to eat more either.  I love her eyes in the picture above, the big eyes are E, as is the fact that she was much further from me when I started taking the picture.  At least she stayed in the frame this time, the first time I tried to take her picture, I ended up with just a picture of the wall, she was gone!

March 17-  Today was E's first Thursday at grandma's house.  She spent the morning with grandpa, and took a nap in her jump-a-roo, then we had a family dinner, E's first corned beef meal.  She tried it, but wasn't too interested.  One things we've noticed about E lately is she focuses on what she wants.  There is no longer a good way to distract her.  Above, she wanted a toy that had rolled to the middle of our chair, she wasn't afraid to fly through the air to get it.

March 16- Grandma and grandpa N sent E a St. Patrick's day card, or a "ba" as she called it.  At this point, "ba" means ball, book, balloon, and box.  She spent a good deal of time carrying her card around, and then chewing on it.  Once the glitter started coming off, we had to take it away.

March 15- E and her dad reading Waddle.  E has been really into this book lately, I would guess that we read this book at least five times an evening.  We've got the book memorized, which is helpful since E likes to turn the pages way to fast to read them.

March 14- This was our first Monday home together.  We didn't do too much other then play, as I get more used to having a weekday off, I'm sure we will find more structured activities to fill our time.  But, its a treat to have time at home together.  As you can see, lots of E's Cheerios end up on the floor.  I sometimes wonder if she is saving them for later.  They must taste better off the floor, we'd happily put new Os in her bowl, but she'd rather have the ones on the floor.

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