January 27-E's toys got cleaned up today while she was gone. Here, she tries to play with them in her toy basket, rather then take them out. During her playtime tonight, she didn't remove anything from her basket, rather she ran in a circuit around the living room. Tonight's favorite toy? Her green spoon, which she happily tried to put down her basketball hoop.
January 26-Lately E has been all about accessorizing, she has two scarves that she has been playing with, this one, and a silky dress scarf. She uses them for peek-a-boo, she chews on them, she puts them around her neck, and she uses them to cover her eyes. The only problem? When a short girl walks while wearing a scarf, sometimes she trips on the ends. E doesn't fall, but she looks very surprised.
January 25- Although this picture looks silly, it actually captures one of E's sweetest habits. When E is so happy with you, and that love and happiness can't be expressed in any other way, she gives a tiny bite on the nose. It doesn't hurt, and isn't even really bit, she mostly puts her teeth on the top and bottom of your nose, and looks you in the eye. You can see this move coming, and there is no way to divert her.
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