Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 22- We have a song we sing all the time, "Sisters love each other, yes they do its true" we use it in situations like this where M is on E, no matter what E is doing. Here, E wanted to have quiet time downstairs, but M had other ideas. Today we had lots of girls and mommy time. Daddy and a friend went out for most of the afternoon. We even got to play with our friends A and A. M refused to take naps today (sleeping about 40 minutes total) she she went to bed early, which let dada and E have a Star Wars movie party. Complete with dancing to the Ewok music.

February 21- This was one of E's favorite toys, and I'm so glad that M loves it too. M got to spend the day with Ama and Ada, and even go out for breakfast. After work and daycare, the girls went to the library to play, M loved having lots of books to choose from, E likes the puzzles and the computer. E even got a Happy Meal treat for her good behavior.
February 20- E rediscovered this Dora dress, and is in love. She's been sleeping in it, and wore it to Ama and Ada's house. We had a little conflict today, E has been wanting to eat at McDonald's and for some reason, thought we would today, but it was a Mickie's day. E and Ama went to story hour today, and we snuck out for another walk when we got home.
February 19- We finally got a break from the crazy cold weather we've been having this winter and got a chance to go outside. M watched E go out and cried until she got to go out too. Once she was there, she wasn't too impressed with the snow. But at least she tried it. After M went in, E and I took a nice long walk, it was a welcome change after a winter spent mostly inside.

Also, M finally began to love Captain America, just like Dada hoped she would.

February 18- E got this balloon at her friend A's valentine's day party, and M has been playing with it ever since. She loves to carry it, wave it, and bounce it.She also loves to try and chew it, which we always stop, but to her dismay.

February 17- I always love this view of my girls.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16- M has never really liked being "worn" she's always wanted to see where she is going and what is happening. We had a little luck with her last summer in the Bjorn, but never the Ergo, until today. She managed to only take a 30 minute morning nap today, so by the time the afternoon came along, she was ready to sleep anywhere.

E had a sleepover movie party with Ama and Ada today, and according to them, really enjoyed having time to be by herself. I can understand that, M is at an age where it is hard to leave anything set up, since she will immediately be in it. I also think M liked her time as an "only." Dada and I were talking when we were home alone with only M, how much harder two kids is then one, and how you'd never believe it until you try to do it. Someone told me this before we had M, and I didn't believe her, but turns out she was right!

February 15- We had quite a day today, E and dada went to the circus, due to some mis-management, the circus lasted 4 hours! M and I stayed home. We went for a walk at Westgate with Ama and Ada, and then played around the house. Miss M loves her sister lots, which is great, but when E was gone so long, it was clear M was lonely. We had fun, but I'm a pale comparison to E.

February 14- Dada got each girl a rose for Valentine's Day. M carried hers around and played with it until it broke, E kept hers nicely on her bookshelf (you can see it in the background). E spent the holiday at A's house for the 3rd annual Valentine's party. M stayed with Ada and Ama a little longer so dada and I could have dinner together.

February 13- M is heading in to her favorite room, the bathroom. She LOVES carrying things in there and putting them into the empty tub. It doesn't matter what it is, it goes in the tub! When its just M and I, we spent our time going up and down the stairs. In the half hour between when we get home and E comes up, on average we go upstairs 7 times.

February 12- Despite M's face, this was a great day. M is sad here because E and I are upstairs, and she is down. She's been a bit of a momma's girl lately, and it was hard for her to be away from the other girls.

Today was the day we'd been waiting for, since M was born, her trip to the orthopedist.  She has always moved her left side differently, and we've been worried about it and wanted to make sure it wasn't a sign of a problem. We were thrilled to learn that they believe she'll grow out of it by the time she is two. We went out for dinner to celebrate, which made us remember why we don't go out!

February 11- On the stairs again.

February 10- E tried to include M in our dance party today, it worked pretty well. M was happy to participate, although she doesn't like to dance holding hands. M is a great dancer, if she is sitting when the dancing starts, she bounces her top half up and down. If she is standing, she plants one leg and walks in circles around and around.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9- Today I took E to see the movie "Turbo" which she has deemed, "not appropriate for kids" she's asked me several times today when the "kid Turbo" will be available. M was a bit off today, she was generally pretty cheerful, but not much for naps, and bed time was quite hard on her. She and dada went to the grocery store while we were at the movie. They played quite a bit today, and really enjoyed reading books. E got a chance to play in the snow, and M wished she could!
January 8-M is a climber, rather than a runner like her sister, her latest trick is trying to climb on this step while holding on to the gate. The problem is, in this kind of slippery PJs, it can end in disaster! Today, we spent some time around the house, M and I spend some quality time while E was swimming. Then she got her dada time, while E and I were at R's house.
January 7- I turned around for one minute, and M had completely destroyed this ball of sock yarn. I'm not sure why she loves chewing on yarn so much, but she tries to get her hands on it as much as she can!


January 5 and 6- Nope, they don't share a bed
, but they are both very, very hard to wake up in the morning. On the 5th, I picked M up and moved her to E's bed, in an effort to wake up E. On the 6th, we moved E to try and wake her up. Neither worked. I've started tickling E awake in the mornings, whereas M, you just have to give her time.
January 4- M just loves to walk around and carry things, and nothing crinkles like a wipe package.
January 3- Every night during E's program, M finds her "treasure" and gives it to the TV. If we are on the second floor, she gives her treasure to the bathtub.
January 2- We finished off this box of Cheerios today, and the box has been so much fun. M loves carrying it, chewing it, putting things in it, and tipping it over. All in all, its one of her favorite things right now.
February 1- E work up this morning and went right to the computer, she announced that she had some work to do. Not to be outdone, M got right in there and started typing too.