Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mine Birthday, and I Want

E's vocabulary and sentence structure has been growing by leaps and bounds. We filled out a questionnaire from our doctor's office in preparation for her two year check up, and one question was whether or not she could use two word phrases to express an idea. E's got this covered. Her sentences and phrases are going strong. Her two favorites right now are "mine birthday," "I want...," and "E choose"

She is so excited to be turning two. I don't think she has a real concept of what a birthday is aside from having a party and eating cake (with green frosting). She tells everyone its "mine birthday" as though either we don't know, or we are thinking about taking it from her. The other night on our walk, out of the blue she said "A take E's birthday" and we had to try and explain that a birthday can't be taken away.

Her other favorite expression right now is "I want..." she says this all the time, mostly about snacks, and right before bed, she says "I want milk" and when we say no, she helpfully adds "get it from the fridge."

Every night she wants to choose her own snack. She wants to stand on the counter and pick something out of the cupboard. She stands there and says "E choose" and looks (and removes) most things from the cupboard. Her favorite thing to choose is raw spaghetti noodles followed by candy.

Aside from asking to choose snacks, E has started demanding them, she doesn't take no for an answer. Here she is demanding something right before dinner. I'm not giving in, and she's getting frustrated.

We had E's two year old well child visit today, she's up to 23.6 pounds, that makes her the 11th percentile!! Its the highest she's ever been! She was just over 32 inches tall, which makes her the 10th percentile. 

 We had some two year old pictures taken the other day, she actually wore her pretty dress, she modeled it in the kitchen just before the pictures.

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