Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween and helping

October 27- Today was the Halloween party at E's daycare. Even thought Thursday isn't her usual day, they were nice enough to let us come and party. E spent the morning at Grandma and Grandpa's house and then went to the party. At the party, she tried out her ladybug costume, she didn't like the hat and wouldn't wear it for more then a few minutes. She had snack, danced with her classmates, refused to touch a pumpkin's insides, and listened to a story. My favorite part was getting a little glimpse of what her day at daycare is like.

October 26- E has been very into helping lately. Mostly, she likes to help buckle her car seat, but tonight she helped dada put his glasses on. Tonight I spent a solid 10 minutes trying to get her into her car seat. We took advantage of the nice weather to go for little walk, watched Elmo, and had a very long bath playing with her bath tub letters.

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